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The latest and greatest technological invention is all to easy for anyone to buy and use, but what it can do is seemingly limitless. The latest wonder drug of the 21st century has taken the world by storm, with millions hooked on supply lines that are still seeming out of control. The US has seen an exponential increase in demand, with heroin being one of the most popular painkillers among prescription heroin abusers. Drug companies have rushed to meet these demands, so much so that some doctors are now prescribing Xanax for everyday purposes including low-back pain caused by sciatica or harpitis. These staggering statistics go even further back than this decade though. In the 1930s, heroin was a popular drug in the US, with many seeing the significance of medicinal purposes for it.From these high numbers of prescriptions coming in, one city in particular has seen an out-of-control number of users. It is not by far the only city to see such statistics though. The suburbs surrounding New York City have seen an especially alarming rate of growth. Prescription painkiller abuse among teenagers has reached epidemic levels across America, with various towns having rates that even exceed that of some third world countries. The Hampton Roads area surrounding Virginia Beach, Norfolk and Chesapeake has recently been added to this list of cities facing severe prescription drug problems within their communities. The cost of prescription painkillers continues to rise as well, with the medication being bought on the black market for prices that are even higher than those on the street. The northeast region, especially the state of Connecticut, has seen exceptional rises in heroin use over the past year. Many young adults are turning to heroin because it is cheaper than prescription painkillers.These statistics are raising concerns among communities and families across the US regarding how to handle these growing issues. Pharmaceutical companies continue to deny these claims, denying responsibility for this problem and instead citing patient's responsibility towards their own actions. They have the right to do this because just as with tobacco companies, they can not be held liable for addicting people to their products.The pharmaceutical industry has created numerous ways to stop addicts from using their products. Their first methods are through pharmaceutical research companies. The methods they use are mostly through what are called "Pain Management Clinics". The purpose of these clinics are for doctors to monitor patients on any prescribed pain medication. Another method used by pain management clinics is to remove patients off painkillers and replace them with methadone. Methadone is a synthetic opioid which is used primarily as a replacement drug for heroin and other opioids and used primarily as maintenance therapy in the treatment of opioid addiction. Methadone is considered to be safer than heroin because it is administered orally through tablets or liquid, making it very difficult to abuse. Methadone also counteracts the effects of heroin by blocking the effect of its effects on opioid receptors throughout the brain, which has a calming effect on addicts.A year after being introduced to the market in Germany in 1996, Vivitrol was developed as a new kind of drug for treating heroin abusers, which is an injectable form of naltrexone initially recommended for patients needing no more than three days' supply (at twice-monthly intervals). The drug acts as a blockade on the brain's opioid receptors and reduces patients' cravings for heroin and other opiates.
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